Online Music Collaboration Studios Discussions Blog

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Hey Fred, did you see this programme 'Motor City's Burning' about music history of Detroit. It was on Friday night BBC4


Keeper said...

No I didn't. What exactly is BBC4? Maybe they will replay it sometime?

Keeper said...

I tried to play that program from the stie and it says it's only available in the UK. :-(

Keeper said...

site... LOL

DirgeK's mum said...

I thought if it was from a website it would be available everywhere. How can they restrict it. BBC4 is just one of the BBC TV channels

DirgeK's mum said...

ok, I read at present it is only available in uk at present but they hope to have an international version available soon

Stonehead said...

I missed this one ....I will have to check it out.

DirgeK's mum said...

Maybe someone from uk could download it, compress it and send it to you. I cannot download it as download is only available for PC at present