Online Music Collaboration Studios Discussions Blog

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"In Process" stream on

I've embedded the "in process" playlist on the F-Jam Online myspace page. This should increase bigtime the exposure to the collaborations here. The script seems to be stopping the pages from opening (clicking INFO). I'll have to see what I can do to help that. At least they can listen and if they like it they can come and join in.

It's a slightly different playlist excluding Ken's covers. Don't want to get pressure from that. May have to abandon those if we get pressure...


DirgeK's mum said...

I think perhaps you need to put some explanation as to what F-Jam is and what is in the player otherwise people may think they are finished tracks and not stop long enough to investigate them.

Keeper said...

DirgeK's mum said...
I think perhaps you need to put some explanation as to what F-Jam is and what is in the player otherwise people may think they are finished tracks and not stop long enough to investigate them.

February 23, 2008 12:06 AM


On Myspace? yes that's a good idea Jill. This script I found makes a complete playlist of every mp3 in the "in_process" folder, including subfolders... I'll just have to run this script once a day or maybe twice if I can remember to.

It's amazing...

And the nice thing about this is that it lists the folders, so you can go to the folder and play all the different takes. This larger list will only be shown from this actual collab blog. I am thinking to show it at the bottom of the file manager, so you can be looking at the downloads in a folder and then at the bottom scroll down and find that same folder and stream those same files you are looking at. I'm really liking this.... I think it could be used to keep track of new uploads too. It makes an XLM file to start with so that could be read by the RSS to e-mail service and then sent out as e-mail notifications, telling you all when something new has been uploaded.

I'm excited about this. Now if it only ran itself every day... LOL

Yeah I'll put an animationa t the top saying they are looking at "in-process".

Is it streaming any better for you at all?

Keeper said...

Look at the bottom of the File Manager. You see that I've put the entire "in_process" contents stream under there. Wheich ever folder you are looking at in the file manager, you can scroll down and find that folder and stream the very same files. Only problem is that it's only updated once a day. So the absolute new files won't stream right away. I have an idea how to get around that too, but this is fine for now. Makes it much easier to browse older takes.

DirgeK's mum said...

yes it was streaming fine today even on my old iMac

DirgeK's mum said...

You could stream it on to your IAC page as well, there are a lot of one man bands there that might like to collaborate if they get a taste of it.

The Admin said...

Good idea Jill. And the soundclick too...

The Admin said...

I would think most of the time it will stream well Jill, but at certain times it'll be slow. It's still much better than it was huh? Cuz now you can actually listen in where before you didn't even try.

I'm finding new routines that serve us all the time. Remember there's a lot of listening at the bottom of the file manager too.

What shows on the "Latest Mixes" is the current accepted mix. What shows on the bottom is everything including auditions that were not accepted. I just eliminated the jpgs from that playlist generator.
I may find a totlly automated way to do this soon. Right now I have to manyally run the list updater 1 time a day. I'm always thinking...