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Coming Home sounded sweet......sweet

My sister who's a big hifi fan invited me yesterday to come and listen
to a hifi she's thinking of buying and when she buys she buys big.

I took a few cds with me and on one was Coming Home and let me tell
you it was the best i've ever heard sweet so well sung,produced
and the song was taken to another level. The vocals and instruments
were....i cant think of words.....just..... and Freddie your drums were on......DirgeK....vocals.....even the guy in shop was
mesmorised......we loved price for the hifi was
10,000 uk pounds.........she's undecided about buying but
she can afford it....

Heres the hifi....Pathos from Italy

cd player...

cant remember the speakers but the were 2000....


Keeper said...

Thanks Mark. :-)

DirgeK's mum said...

There is some amazing drum rolls in there and you just wait in anticipation to hear those cymbals at the end of the lead guitar. I am always tempted to air play hitting them when I'm travelling home.
I think you get so used to listening to compressed mp3's you dont know how much you are missing sometimes.